Subcontracting Lite. Stub
Just to let you know that the 2017 ISO 17025 COAs are spawning embryonic Analysis Subcontracting (please pick up and expand:)
The COA only has to differentiate between local and subcontracted results reported. Identification of different sub contractors is not required (yet). Easy to do and and with enough information to use elsewhere too, a stub for eventual Subcontracting workflow:
Each Analysis Service gets a Contracted to field
defaulted to Internal
else be populated with a look-up on Suppliers
where the Contractors should be captured already
This is exactly what we need
Hi Francois, the particular COA we work on now requires the Analysis Methods to be sub contracted, and not Analysis Services. Does that cover your use case too?
It will resolve the issue where the same method is used in-house as well as by sub-contractors (does that ever happen?), by creating two Methods, In-house and Subcontracted, and different information can be kept for each.
It does happen, but only in extreme situations such as instrument failure, clients can request for test to be done by a different laboratory or something severe happens.
Accredited analysis methods sometimes have to be subcontracted to another lab that is also accredited for that we need to show that the test has been subcontracted. Its up to the laboratory to subcontract to a lab that is also accredited.
With regards to tests that are outsourced, these are methods that the laboratory can't do them self because they don't have the equipment or ability to do so and will always be outsourced.
I like the idea for both methods in house and subcontracted but this is something I think that will be unique to each laboratory. Creating two methods will also allow for better control with clients that have the occasional weird request that we have to send to other laboratories as it is easier for them to use one lab that to send samples to different laboratories. This again is unique to each lab